Fashion Myway

Project and Brand Overview

Fashion Myway is an early-stage fashion technology start-up that has developed technology and a methodology to offer client designers and brands full-service online customization of any garment. Their original Dame and Knight special occasion dress collection provides a proof of concept and product fit for the customization platform.

Fashion Myway engaged PopUpSummer! as their strategic advisors for a pre-launch customer prospect and investor “first look” and networking event in NYC during the holiday season. 


  • Develop brand launch strategy with founder and business advisors

  • Plan a pop-up event and contribute to consumer and business-to-business marketing communications


PopUpSummer! conducted a site survey and selection for the event; guided creative direction, including email and social media invitations and event signage; advised on event production, including video, catering, lighting, and display; and contributed to investor and prospective brand client outreach and data gathering, including pitch deck, materials, and surveys.


The Torch’d Shoppe


French Toast x Success Academy NYC