Marfa Stance

Project Overview

As a strategic partner and U.S. liaison for the London-based luxury outerwear brand Marfa Stance, PopUpSummer! led and continues to curate specially crafted retail activations in NYC and the Hamptons.

A primary goal for the alliance is to expand the brand reach of Marfa Stance to targeted customers in key luxury and urban markets.

PopUpSummer! and the brand team implement that by conducting exclusive sales events hosted by influential “super hosts” who help bring together coveted groups of fashion-forward shoppers.

Other benefits of this approach include:

  • Decreasing the London-based team’s international travel requirements for trunk shows and live events

  • Providing continuity for U.S. customers with multiple homes or who travel to find and connect with the brand IRL, leading to more on-site and e-commerce sales.

  • Having the opportunity to partner with complimentary brands to drive awareness and expand reach through co-op marketing.


“Thanks for all of your help in Tribeca and the Hamptons… all of your hard work and effort at the events and making sure that many contacts attended.” –Johanna Dunn, Marfa Stance


Shop Repurpose


The Torch’d Shoppe